
I am trying to accomplish a network setup which currently looks like:

* internal network
* dmz
* dmz2 (unused currently)
* external network

To allow web traffic etc I have configured aliases and binat rules on the external interface (eg. binat on $ext_if from $www_intern to any -> $www_extern).

To make the external addresses reachable from the internal network I did the same for the internal interface.

The problem now is that the dmz addresses which have been binatted are answering through the router with their external ip address eg.:

PING ( 56 data bytes
64 bytes from icmp_seq=0 ttl=63 time=0.613 ms

I read there are some caveats with binat and this is probably one of them. Is there a way to solve this issue? Is the network setup (pf wise) actually correct?

Thanks in advance,


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