Check out

I did this a while ago when I got tired of missing my favorite radio
shows.  There's also a web front end there for easily playing stuff that
you record.  It's all driven by cron and very, very basic.  

Bryan [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
> Does anyone have a good way of taking streams from the web (like music 
> streams) and record them to whatever format, specifically .ogg or 
> .mp3? I first tried to use Mplayer and "dd if=/dev/sound 
> of=/var/audio.raw" like in the FAQ, but it kept saying that the audio 
> device was busy.
> I then looked around on google and found something promising.  It is 
> called "shstream" (  Basically, it 
> is a shell script that downloads the stream using Mplayer, then takes 
> the file and converts it.  While the script appears sound, it is over 
> 2 years old, and while it creates the "incomplete" directory, and the 
> pipe file, but will not create the .mp3. Mplayer is not even started, 
> as when I am running "top", Mplayer never appears.
> I found Streamripper as well, but the audio feeds are .asf.  Mplayer 
> plays them just fine, but it would appear Streamripper can't.
> If anyone has any ideas, I would appreciate hearing them.
> Bryan

There is no certainty, there is only opportunity

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