On Wed, Jun 14, 2006 at 10:27:43PM -0400, Nick Holland wrote:
> IF changing the FTP source code from 3.9's to 3.8's "Fixes" the problem, 
> just start putting in change after change until it breaks.  :)

Could it just be this one, i.e. MS software tries to login without

| CVSROOT:        /cvs
| Module name:    src
| Changes by:     [EMAIL PROTECTED]  2006/03/14 08:33:28
| Modified files:
|         libexec/ftpd   : monitor.c 
| Log message:
| Allow anonymous logins without a password, which was broken
| by the last commit. Noticed by Armin Wolfermann. ok henning@

This appears to be fixed in the stable branch, too.


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