On 2006/06/15 16:16, Tony Abernethy wrote:
> > nike:fred /home/fred> fdisk sd1
> > fdisk: sysctl(machdep.bios.diskinfo): Device not configured
> > Disk: sd1   geometry: 1980/64/32 [4055040 Sectors]
> > Offset: 0   Signature: 0xAA55
> >           Starting       Ending       LBA Info:
> >   #: id    C   H  S -    C   H  S [       start:      size   ]
> > ------------------------------------------------------------------------
> > *0: 06    0   7 32 - 1979  56  1 [         255:     4054530 ] DOS > 32MB
> That does not look like ANY DOS disk I've every seen.
> The initial sector on the drive has the DOS partition table. (easy to find)
> Generally, the first stuff on the drive comes on the track
> immediately following that sector.
> this is typically after 63 sectors on hard drives,
> but a power of 2 (like 32 is more plausible on something electronic)
> (64 might work, but I'm sure SOMETHING would find a way to make 64 act like
> 0)

Who knows what geometry it was formatted with?

FAT boot sector, etc, are quite easy to spot - try 
"dd if=/dev/sd1i count=1 | hexdump -C" with reference to
another FAT partition that can be mounted successfully
and http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/File_Allocation_Table
and you'll soon know if the partition table is correct.

I wonder if reformatting the card might get it into
some shape where it can be seen by both camera and
OpenBSD...may be worth dd'ing an image of it as it
currently stands before doing this, so it can be
restored if necessary.

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