"Joco Salvatti" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> 1. Why doesn't passwd ask superuser's current password when it's run
> by the superuser to change its own password? May not it be considered
> a serious security flaw?

No, it may not.  Why would that matter at all?

> 2. Why doesn't the system ask the password, as a default action, to
> log in the system, when entering in single user mode? May not it also
> be considered a serious security flaw? And why doesn't exist a
> different password to log in single user mode, instead of using root's
> password?

If the local console is not secure, then remove the "secure" flag from
it in /etc/ttys.  This still doesn't do much, people can just boot some
other media and then do whatever they want to your openbsd install if
the machine is not physically secured.


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