On Wed, Jun 21, 2006 at 06:49:09PM +0200, Dries Schellekens wrote:
> Bihlmaier Andreas wrote:
> >I use "iperf -w 256k" for testing purposes.
> >The speed between hosts/router using their real IPs (-B 10.0.0.*) is
> >about 70-80 Mb/s.
> >
> >~22 Mb/s between host1 and host2 using their VPN IPs.
> >
> >Hope this made some stuff more clear.
> >
> >Thanks everyone for helping, I hope this can be fixed.

I found a post in misc@ form 2005 about somebody having a similar
problem with IPSEC and VIA hardware acceleration:

Could somebody official _PLEASE_ state if it is supposed to work, or
isn't? If it should there is a bug, if it doesn't that is bad, but at
least it would give me a definite ANSWER.

Sorry for bugging (with bugs),

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