On Wed, Jun 21, 2006 at 07:22:28PM +0200, Peter Philipp wrote:
> Hi,
> I'm trying to modify my outgoing Message-Id, with my mailer MUA (mutt) I can 
> configure this.  However when I try to use mail(1) it does not update the 
> Message-Id, I read a bit in the source and it doesn't seem to be set in
> mail(1), and a ktrace shows that it pipes everything to sendmail directly.
> Here is what I stuck in my sendmail .mc file:
> define(`confMESSAGEID_HEADER', `<[EMAIL PROTECTED]>')dnl

Put that in submit.mc and recreate submit.cf.

Sendmail doesn't allow the rewriting of message-id, that rule is
used when one needs to be created.

Hugo Villeneuve <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

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