Ted Unangst wrote on Mon, Jun 26, 2006 at 01:10:34PM -0700:
> On 6/26/06, Ingo Schwarze <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>>> Actually I need a system with perl, pf and some tiny http server
>>> for cgi scripts. I suppose that it is possible to fit it on a 32mb
>>> disk? Am I wrong?
>>Yes, you are quite wrong.
>>[EMAIL PROTECTED] $ uname -a
>>OpenBSD athene.usta.de 3.9 GENERIC#617 i386
>>[EMAIL PROTECTED] $ du -sk /usr/libdata/perl5
>>34141   /usr/libdata/perl5
> the majority of that can probably be deleted.

Clearly, but we shouldn't councel the OP to try that.
About 10 MB grand total for perl, httpd and /var won't be fun.

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