Juan Luis Moyano <juanmoyano <at> southecon.com.ar> writes:
> Hi guys, is there any script or some package that lets me connect my
> obsd box automatically to an unsecured wireless AP? If so, is it
> possible for the connection to be made to the one that has the best
> signal strength? TIA.
I'm about to start writing one, because I seem to be facing the same problem.

wifcon interface [-i | -s] [-f file ]

-i      Insecure mode. Prefer an insecure network. If insecure
        unavailable, try first available.
-s      Secure mode. Prefer a secure network. If a secure network is
        unavailable, return error.
-f      Paths to file containing keys for trying against secure

Does misc@ feel this would be useful?

Adam Carmichael

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