On Sun, Jul 02, 2006 at 12:17:09PM +0300, Gabriel George POPA wrote:
>                   Neah, Mozilla crashed again. What's the problem:
> - the port?
> - the libraries?
> - ME?

- Mozilla/Firefox [x]

>            Did this happened to other people too? On what OpenBSD 
> versions? How did they solve this?

Yep. On all. 

Change the port to produce a debug version, make sure that
you have at least 2GiB of ram/swap and start mozilla/firefox in gdb.
(It will be slow as hell...)
Now reproduce the crash, get a "bt full" and start diging in the code.
Create patch, send it to [EMAIL PROTECTED] Then go to their bugtracker, do a 
search on the issue and you will find that exactly the same bug was
discovered back in 2003 (with a patch), but until now nobody fixed it.

The whole process will decrease your opinion about the most secure
browser by 400%

Just my experience


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