
After installing Samba from the ports tree (Samba version 3.021b
without any flavors)
running smbd the first time -the password file passdb.tdb does not
exist- smbd dies
with SIGABRT after creating the password file

# /usr/local/libexec/smbd -D
# ps axuwwwww | grep smbd
root      4370  0.0  0.1   452   476 p2  S+     3:41PM    0:00.02 grep smbd
root      7642  0.0  0.1   352   420 p3  S+     3:36PM    0:00.02 tail
-f /var/log/samba/log.smbd

The generated logfile (/var/log/samba/log.smbd) shows an "INTERNAL ERROR":

[2006/07/04 15:40:50, 1]
 file_init: Information only: requested 10000 open files, 1752 are available.
[2006/07/04 15:40:50, 0]
 Unable to open/create TDB passwd
[2006/07/04 15:40:50, 0]
 pdb_getsampwrid: Unable to open TDB rid database!
[2006/07/04 15:40:50, 0]
 Unable to open/create TDB passwd
[2006/07/04 15:40:50, 0]
 Unable to open/create TDB passwd
[2006/07/04 15:40:50, 0]
 pdb_getsampwnam: TDB passwd (/etc/samba/passdb.tdb) did not exist.
File successfully created.
[2006/07/04 15:40:50, 0]
[2006/07/04 15:40:50, 0]
 INTERNAL ERROR: Signal 11 in pid 13571 (3.0.21b)
 Please read the Trouble-Shooting section of the Samba3-HOWTO
[2006/07/04 15:40:50, 0]

 From: http://www.samba.org/samba/docs/Samba3-HOWTO.pdf
[2006/07/04 15:40:50, 0]
[2006/07/04 15:40:50, 0]
 PANIC: internal error

The password file was created successfully and smbd can be restarted
and runs without
any problems. I can reproduce this behaviour by stopping smbd and
removing the password

This system is running:

# uname -a
OpenBSD son-goku.badphish.dyndns.org 3.9 GENERIC#617 i386

Did anyone see such a behaviour?
Is this an OpenBSD specific bug or should I report this to the

Many thanks in advance,


P.S.: If someone is interested I can provide a ktrace output.

Hobbes : Shouldn't we read the instructions?
Calvin : Do I look like a sissy?

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