Dave Gloez wrote:

I have a soekris box where dhcpd is running to give ip addresses for
clients, now i was thinking is it possible to give clients a static
ip based on which interface it is connected, so when i plug the
network cable to specified network port on soekris it would always
give the same ip address no matter what.

yes it is possible (and another person has told you how to do it, very well, I might add, a tip and a pointer to the man page. Good style! :)

On the other hand...if the machines are used at least once in a while, I think you will find the addresses given out by OpenBSD's dhcpd are amazingly "static" (in the "once you get an IP address, you will keep getting that same address" sense). So, if you are only concerned about them having a stable IP address rather than a particular IP address, you may not need to do anything at all.

note: if you chose to go the "defined address" route, the defined address does NOT go in your DHCP "range". I think I was bit by that at least once. :)


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