On Wed, 19 Jul 2006 07:22:13 -0500, Eric Johnson wrote
> Which web mail package is easiest to install and use on
> OpenBSD?  Are there any gaping security holes?
> Eric Johnson

Someone posted a question about a week or two ago for a chrooted web-based
email system.  Nick Holland (I think) wrote how if you really understood
programming, you would know how extremely difficult implementing a chrooted
web-based email system really is.  (This is my words, Nick probably meant or
said something else entirely but that's what I got out of it even if I'm

Anyways Nick suggested Openwebmail.  I tried it and I would say without a
doubt it's the easiest to install.  It was hard to figure it out for me but
after I did, I said to myself, that was easy.

Here's what you do:

Get sendmail running and spamd (most of this requires only uncommenting lines
in several configuration files).  Now you have a spam fighting MTA.

Use pkg_add openwebmail to install it.  This will install all the
dependencies.  Read the readme.txt file on openwebmail's website.  It shows
how to change the rights (chmod) of a few files in
/var/www/cgi-bin/openwebmail/*.  These same files are owned by user 276 for
some reason, you need to change the owner to the right user but I forget which
(I think root).  Now read man ssl to get httpd running with with https.  Add
httpd_flags="-u -DSSL". Now go into /var/www/conf/httpd.conf and modify it so
that all http request go to https.  This is in the virtual table section. 
Then reboot.

The beauty is this: I don't need pop or imap or mysql or php or python or ruby
installed.  All I need is a base openbsd system and openwebmail (using pkg_add).

You may want to read man starttls too so that your MTA can encrypt email to
any MTA that understands and uses starttls.

One other guy posted that openwebmail doesn't support maildir.  Maildir is
supposedly better, but with valid reasons.  Even though those reasons sound
good I haven't come across any reasons that say mbox should not be used or is
not capable of handling a significant amount of users.  Sendmail with mbox has
been around handling thousands of users in universities and corporations way
before qmail and postfix came about so sendmail and mbox should be more than
adequate.  One thing I've read that's a disadvantage to maildir is that you
can run out of inodes and that's bad when it happens.  Keep in mind, I'm no
big times email administrator so take this with a grain of salt but this has
been my experience and research so far.  I'd be glad to hear from some people
how I'm wrong on this.  I would find it interesting.

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