> I was over ruled.

Ok, it looks like your company has taken most of the decisions
and all you still need to decide is the ATA RAID brand.

> We'll probably go with the 3Ware

I fail to remember hearing anything about that, either good or bad.
I do remeber the first brand Marco praised was LSI ami(4).

If you can find any hint as to what Theo De Raadt or Marco Peereboom
currently recommend for the kind of task you have at hand, you
should certainly go with that.  Those two developers know the code
you are going to run very well, and they know much about hardware,
too.  I think at least one of them commented on it, recently...
You will easily find their postings in the archives.

Jaye - thanks for your feedback on ATA vs. SCSI.
I was not aware my experience might no more be up to date.
If this is the case, i hope nobody will start a flame war about it.

Ingo Schwarze <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Concerning 0x2b|^0x2b: The OpenBSD.Shakespeare port
may be a bit dated, but it used char a lot, and int very little.

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