On 8/20/06, francisco <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
On the off chance you haven't already done this, verify that the floppies
are good (via a good `fdformat /dev/rfd0c` before and `cmp /dev/rfd0c
/path/to/floppy39.fs` after).  I've had similar hangs due to bad media.

On 8/20/06, Jeff Quast <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
have you reset cmos?

Thanks guys.  I reset the cmos and I've checked these floppies.  My
laptop boots fine from them and the machine in question boots from
Redhat and DOS floppies.

One post I found mentions A20 issues but I'm not much of hardware
person to understand the referenced materials and there weren't any
solutions anyway.

This little project I'm doing is turning into PITA.


On Sat, 19 Aug 2006, Greg Thomas wrote:

> On 8/19/06, Greg Thomas <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>> I have an old, unused since OpenBSD 3.4 Athlon XP 1800+ that I just
>> replaced the mobo on because the previous mobo wouldn't boot with a
>> LSI MegaRAID 150-6 installed.
>> I haven't yet tried other OSes but so far with the 3.4 system on the
>> harddrive and any OpenBSD boot floppy it hangs here:
>> booting hd0a:/bsd: 4466772
>> Any ideas?  Bad memory?  With the mobo I received new Kingston memory
>> but have no other DDR stuff to test with at the moment.
> I found some ancient Redhat floppies along with a DOS floppy and they
> boot fine.  In addition to the 3.4 on the harddrive I've tried 3.7,
> 3.9, and snapshot floppies all with the same result.
> Greg

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