Dear Default User,

Default User wrote on Fri, Aug 25, 2006 at 07:48:02PM -0500:

> Just installed i386 3.9 RELEASE.
> Noticed that /etc/rc.conf.local contains:
> ntpd_flags=          # enabled during install
> man 8 ntpd says that /etc/rc.conf.local should contain:
> ntpd_flags=""
> Is this an install "bug"?

No, both versions are correct.

To disable ntpd, ntpd_flags must be set to NO, see here:

[EMAIL PROTECTED] $ grep ntpd_ /etc/rc
if [ X"${ntpd_flags}" != X"NO" ]; then
        echo -n ' ntpd'; ntpd $ntpd_flags

> What is the function of the two double quotes?

[EMAIL PROTECTED] $ unset ntpd_flags 
[EMAIL PROTECTED] $ set | grep ntp   
[EMAIL PROTECTED] $ ntpd_flags=      
[EMAIL PROTECTED] $ set | grep ntp   
[EMAIL PROTECTED] $ echo ">${ntpd_flags}<"
[EMAIL PROTECTED] $ unset ntpd_flags       
[EMAIL PROTECTED] $ ntpd_flags=""          
[EMAIL PROTECTED] $ set | grep ntp         
[EMAIL PROTECTED] $ echo ">${ntpd_flags}<" 

When using OpenBSD /bin/[k]sh, apparently none.
Decoration.  Two bytes to avoid sysadmin confusion.
Both statements set ntpd_flags to the empty string.
I'm not sure whether any shells exist that behave

> BTW, ntpd *seems* to be working okay as installed.

Yeah, bugs in the install-floppy images happen to be a bit rare,
somehow. :)  As far as i remember, the last one slipped several
years ago, but it was a minor one (i fear i have forgotten the


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