Charles M. Hannum wrote:
[I'm CCing this to FreeBSD and OpenBSD lists in order to share it with
the wider *BSD community, not to start a flame war.  I hope that people
reading it have the tact to be respectful of their peers, and consider
how some of these issues may apply to them as well.]

This is completely irrelevant to OpenBSD, except in that it seems to vindicate Theo de Raadt for the crap he went through when he was ousted from the NetBSD project. What possessed you to post this to an OpenBSD list?

Now, thanks to the cross posting, the list gets to endure a bunch of cross posts from NetBSD users and FreeBSD users on topics which are completely outside the scope of this list. Great.

If you don't like the direction (or lack of it) that the NetBSD project is taking, and since your post indirectly talks up nearly every aspect of OpenBSD that Theo implemented to escape the problems he encountered with NetBSD, while simultaneously talking down a lot of the politics within NetBSD that Theo has complained about, maybe you need to take your reasoning one step further and follow Theo's lead - fork NetBSD. Whining on *BSD lists is not going to get you where you want to go. You might as well pray to a god to send NetBSD a messiah. If you want a leader then be a leader.

I could go on, but then I am just exacerbating the problem. This really isn't relevant to OpenBSD, and I urge other lists' users to consider whether CCing your reply back to is relevant. Thanks in advance for your consideration.

Breen Ouellette

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