Cedric Brisseau wrote:
> Hi all,
> I must set up a mail gateway for my office. My boss is tired of spam
> and I wonder what I can do. I haven't found similar cases in the
> archive.
> Our mail server (which runs MS Exchange) receives mails from a master
> site "filtering" mails by applying a [SPAM] keyword in the subject.
> But it's not satisfying enough and I must study an other solution
> locally.
> I think spamd can't help a lot since mails aren't received directly.
> Maybe you have similar cases with spamassassin+clamav or relaydb,
> procmail ?
> Regards,
> Cedric Brisseau

As someone said in this thread - what you want to do is this;

Setup a gateway using Postfix/Amavisd/ClamAv - this is your relay.
You setup exchange to relay though Postfix and have the filtering done

Add in a script (I can provide that off-list) that will allow you to
pull newly added user to Active Dir and pump the info to a file that is
created on the Postfix relay. A cron on the relay can be set to update
the postfix file when needed in addition to a vb script I have that will
run on your E2K3 server with the help of ssh.

It sounds complex (it is for a newb) but once you wrap yer head around
what's going on - it really works very well.

I did that at my company and its a work of art. Unless you want to pay
for add ons like Mail Essentials (I think that is by far the best
offering for E2K3 - Symantec just plain sux).

Best regards,

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