On Fri, 8 Sep 2006, Bryan Irvine wrote:

> i have a peice of code that doesn't seem to work.  It compiles and
> even executes fine but the email never goes anywhere.
> maillog doesn't even show anything trying. Apache is not running chrooted.
>       #define SENDMAIL_PATH "/usr/sbin/sendmail -t"
>       #define SENDER "[EMAIL PROTECTED]"

Note subtle changes made from your original.

>       FILE *mail;
>       char sendmail[512];
>               sprintf(sendmail, "%s %s", SENDMAIL_PATH, RECIPIENT);

use snprintf here, this is exactly the sort of code that some joker
will try to do a buffer overflow on.

>               mail = popen(sendmail, "w");

Check return from popen.  Abort if NULL.  As in:

                if(!(mail=popen(sendmail, "w")))
                        err(1, NULL);           /* man 3 err */

You might want to add
                fflush(stdin);  /* man 3 popen, under "BUGS" */
                fprintf(mail, "To: %s\n", RECIPIENT);

here.  Sendmail -t does not generate this header, and without it
aggressive spam blockers might can the message.

>From man 8 sendmail:

     -t          Read message for recipients.  To:, Cc:, and Bcc: lines will
                 be scanned for recipient addresses.  The Bcc: line will be
                 deleted before transmission.

You may not need the recipient in the invocation of sendmail.  (You don't).

>               fprintf(mail, "From: %s\n", SENDER);
>               fprintf(mail, "Subject: test email.\n");
>               fprintf(mail, "\n");
>               fprintf(mail, "blah\n");
>               pclose(mail);

                        err(2, NULL);
>       also worth noting that i'm a terrible C programmer.  It's possible
> that elsewhere I have a bug, but I just want to eliminate whether www
> can even execute sendmail.
> --Bryan

If apache is not chrooted, it should run this.  

Login as www (or however apache runs) and try it from the command
line, then from a standalone small program.  You will have to make
www a log-in-able user with vipw first.

Experience runs an expensive school, but fools will learn in no other.
                       -- Benjamin Franklin

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