On 9/10/06, Will Maier <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
On Sun, Sep 10, 2006 at 11:39:57AM +0530, Raja Subramanian wrote:
> rdiff-backup however, does not suffer from this problem.
> And it's a bit more space efficient than rsnapshot as
> well.  Give it a shot and I doubt you'll be disappointed.

I've had an experimental port of rdiff-backup 1.0.4 and librsync
(upon which it depends) available[0] for a month or two. I haven't
looked at it much since the ports tree locked, but it's working well
on several systems running -current.

I also have as a local port, because I needed a quick and dirty backup
solution.  However, before I trust my system backup to this, I would
have to go through the librsync code and clean it up a lot.  It's

Feel free to give it a try; I'd be glad to get feedback on it, but
it won't be a priority until after the thaw.



o--------------------------{ Will Maier }--------------------------o
| web:.......http://www.lfod.us/ | [EMAIL PROTECTED] |
*------------------[ BSD Unix: Live Free or Die ]------------------*

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