On Thu, Sep 21, 2006 at 03:48:11PM -0500, Kevin wrote:
> What is the current status of the Brooktree (bktr) driver and userland
> applications?
> I've found the ProVideo PV-143 quad-port BT878 capture cards for
> about fifty dollars, and would like to use the card with 'fxtv' (from
> ports) or perhaps danovitschwebcam, all four ports active.
> I've also found the PixelView PlayTVpro tuner card, at about the same
> price.  This tuner isn't on the list of compatible cards in the
> driver, and I know tuner cards can be more problematic.
> Is anybody using the ProVideo or PixelView cards under OpenBSD?  Is
> there any active development?

as long as they are compatible design it's usually
a question of small magic numbers table being filled
up and then they just work. the multi-port cards
might be of more challangle depending on how they are design.
in case it's just a bridge and four devices behind it
supposedly it's the same amount of work -- fill out small table.


    paranoic mickey       (my employers have changed but, the name has remained)

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