On Wed, Oct 04, 2006 at 10:50:23AM -0700, Ben Calvert wrote:
| On Wed, 4 Oct 2006 11:26:55 +0200
| Paul de Weerd <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
| > My cronjobs do not output anything when stuff Just Works (tm). When
| > something goes wrong, they will give output which will be sent to the
| > admin (me).
| I'm sorry to jump in here, but I'm really curious about how you tell
| the diference between the job never running and it Just Working (tm)?

Well, I trust my crond to keep running as it should. This is indicated
by the daily mail I get. And I occasionaly check my systems (funny
thing, that) to see how they're doing.

| I don't know about you, but particularly in the case of backup i'm
| very interested in making sure it worked successfully.

If something went wrong with the cronjob, I get an e-mail. If the job
never ran, there's a bug in the system and I must find it.

What if your sendmail stopped working for some reason ? You'd notice,
right ?

| It strikes me that this 'no news is good news' policy creats a
| single point of failure (cron).

You're not expecting an e-mail from your firewall for every packet it
blocks or passes, why are your crons any different ? Seems like a
single point of failure to me (pf).


Paul 'WEiRD' de Weerd


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