Ok, I never did that, so I need some help here, that's what I'm supposed to

ifconfig bridge0 create
brconfig bridge0 add vr0
brconfig bridge0 add vr1
brconfig bridge0 up

vr0 is my inside network and vr1 is the card that connects me to the other

with that commands I've and bridge, right?
but, I only want that one computer out of my inside LAN could pass through
the bridge the others will not use the bridge and pf will due with it.
what can I do?

brconfig bridge0 rule pass in on vr1 src 9:8:7:6:5:4
brconfig bridge0 rule pass out on vr1 src 4:5:6:7:8:9

where 9:8:7:6:5:4 is the MAC address of the outside PC and 4:5:6:7:8:9 is
the MAC address of the inside PC?

but if I do that, all the traffic from these two PCs will pass through this
because this inside PC use this oBSD BOX to connect to the Internet, if I do
that this PC will loose its connectivity?

How can you see I'm kind lost here...

2006/10/13, Stuart Henderson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:
> On 2006/10/13 03:22, Ricardo Lucas wrote:
> > Hello misc, I need some support here, I need to configure an IPX network
> on
> > my oBSD box, because I have a program that only communicates by IPX and
> the
> > oBSD box is between these 2 LANs that uses this program, someone can
> point
> > me the directions?! I'm kind of lost here...
> You could bridge them.

Ricardo Lucas

  • Re: IPX Ricardo Lucas

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