On 2006/10/12 at 11:08:21PM -0400, Nick Holland wrote:

        [ ... ]

> I can't believe people with PIIs and PIIIs even responded to this
> thread, however.  You GOT to be kidding me...That ain't old.  That's
> almost as new as I get!

        Well ... it is the "you run" part which is limiting me.  I've
got Suns back to a 2/120, lots of Sun-3 machines, several UnixPCs (7300
and 3B1) and a couple of Tektronix 6130s (National Semiconductor 32016
CPUs (or was that 16032?).  However, the oldest box is a Cosmos
CMS-16/UNX -- an 8MHz 68000 running a Unisoft port of v7 unix.  No bets
whether I could even get the oldest OpenBSD running on that one. :-)
(Not too sure about the Tektronix boxes either -- though they are
running a 4.2 BSD port called "UTek".

        However -- all boxen older than the Sun LX are retired, so they
don't count here.


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           --- Black Holes are where God is dividing by zero ---

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