On 10/13/06, Toni Mueller <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
Thanks for pointing me to bioctl - I was unaware about that - but I
don't offhand see how I could eg. collect SMART status on the drives
hanging off such a card.

IIRC, you cannot collect the SMART status on individual drives.
Personally, I don't really mind as I'm not a big fan of SMART. Having
seen drives that showed no issues in SMART, right up to the point of
dying, is bound to change one's perspective.

Since the machines may very well be not in reach, I don't fancy
beeping or blinking drive enclosures. I need log entries instead.

The logical disk status on ami(4) devices can also be polled through
sensorsd(8). Perhaps I should also have mentioned that bit.

If you want individual drive statistics, I suppose you would want to
parse bioctl(8) output. I also recommend you take a quick look at

The above works for me, but of course your requirements may be different.



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