Hi Denis,

First off an IP120 and OBSD combination is a beauty, there are a couple of gotcha's. The first and recently discussed being the reboot, or lack off. The second being the non standard rom location for the on-board nic's resulting in the fxp driver not being able to read the actual MAC addresses.

Both of these are easily worked around and once done the units are 100% solid.

The units have a 'traditional' PC BIOS, however you will need a full handshaking null modem cable to access it. A standard null modem will only work for output following the POST.

From what you've said it sounds like a hardware problem not a software one. Things to check are the brick power supply, the hard drive and the passive heatsink on the CPU, obvious I know but.

They're worth the effort but are never going to be the most powerful device.



Denis Doroshenko wrote:
hello guys,

have seen a few mails recently on the least about these routers.
i have got my hands on one (sticker at the bottom says it is
"IP110", sticker at the top says it is "IP120").

i saw, the mails recently WRT software reboot, but that's the
least problem with mine. the poor beast locks solid after random
period of time (that's why it came to me). have thrown that bloody
early-fbsd-hacked-into-ipso and put the latest snapshots. well
it locks still, even at the boot prompt! ethernet leds go off and
the box rests enlessly.

no documentation is available and i didn't find much via
googling either. may be somebody can help me with
information for these? there is some kind of BIOS there,
is it accessible via console or otherwise? is there any other
settings (switches etc.) that can be causing the locking,
may be it can be debugged somehow?

thanks in any case...

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