Baskervilles wrote:
> Hello,
> I'm using OB3.9 release version, and plus fvwm2, after start X
> windows, what I got is my LCD monitor repeat black screen between several
> minutes, even there have keyboard and mouse movement. after black screen, I
> can ctrl+alt+F1 then ctrl_alt+F5 to switch back screen. keyboard and mouse
> still can respond when black. I even disable DPMS and xscreensave, it still
> repeat.
> is this a LCD HW problem? but  not happen in winxp installed same PC. LCD is
> a ViewSonic 903b.

I'm not inclined to believe it is a problem with your monitor, however,
sometimes X picks some really boarder-line specs...and I've seen at
least CRTs flake out when run at the "edge" for too long.

Run xvidtune, see what the vertical refresh rate is.  If you took great
pride in running it up to some high number, slap yourself on the wrist,
and back it down to 60Hz or 70Hz, see if it settles it down.  On an LCD
monitor, it doesn't matter.

It may be more likely, however, that your machine's BIOS is turning the
display off, and it is not recognizing the keyboard or mouse activity to
keep it on or turn it back on.  Going into your BIOS configuration and
disabling anything related to power saving may be productive.


> Thanks in advence.
> follow is dmesg and xset q output.
> ********dmesg**********
> OpenBSD 3.9 (GENERIC) #617: Thu Mar  2 02:26:48 MST 2006
>    [EMAIL PROTECTED]:/usr/src/sys/arch/i386/compile/GENERIC

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