On Sun, Nov 05, 2006 at 07:22:31PM +0900, vladas wrote:
> Hi all,
> i386.html says uaudio is supported, but does that include sound
> recording? If not, maybe someone could possibly share what PCI
> cards [1] can do sound recording (quality is not an issue).
> My goal is to run /usr/ports/mbone/vat.


recording works reliably with uaudio(4) and afaik most other audio
devices (sb(4) and cmpci(4) work for me)

there are some issues (common to all audio devices) in full-duplex
mode: the poll(4) syscall and sychronization between play and
record may not work. There are diffs to fix them, see:


they are not committed yet, to use them you need to patch and
recompile the kernel. Feedback is very welcome

There is also an uaudio(4) specific bug: not all emulated encodings
(those shown with a '*' by 'audioctl encodings') seem to work. So
prefer using native encodings.

-- Alexandre

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