On Tue, Nov 07, 2006 at 01:23:17PM +0100, Alexander Farber wrote:
> On 11/7/06, Stuart Henderson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> >On 2006/11/07 12:36, Alexander Farber wrote:
> >> Do you think I still need to run inetd? I've looked through the
> >> /etc/inetd.conf and there are only 2 time services + ident. I think
> >> I don't need those 3  services either (my PostgeSQL listens only
> >> to the /var/www/tmp/.s.PGSQL.5432 file).
> >>
> >> So do you think I could switch inetd down or do I miss something?
> >
> >If you're looking to increase security, it's probably better to spend
> >your time looking for some alternative to phpBB (or keeping a close eye
> >on access_log irregularities and security fixes).
> No, not security - just to save some memory + CPU

inetd consumes no CPU after startup unless it actually is used, and no
measurable amount of memory. Disabling it doesn't hurt, but it doesn't
help either.

> >> And also, do I need these getty processes if I only use ssh and serial
> >> console?
> >
> >What's the benefit? Someone with physical access can't login at the
> >console? (but they can do that anyway, by rebooting the box into single-
> >user mode). The only thing I can see this doing is causing extra pain
> >if there's a problem.
> My "root-server" costs me only 20 Euro/month. For that money no
> support will ever login into it from console and they support only Linux 
> anyway
> (I've installed OpenBSD remotely by "dd if=floppy40.fs of=/dev/hda")
> I'm just asking here about the getty processes, so that I don't lock
> myself out and have to reinstall everything from scratch.

You could probably make do without getty, but why? Again, they take no
CPU after startup and no measurable amount of memory. And if you ever do
have to get the box going after you've somehow shot ssh (and it's not
like that isn't going to happen at some point), they might be very

I suppose you *do* have some sort of 'serial console' access? It's not
really SSH-only, I hope? (This would make installs, upgrades, and
attempts at repair very, very painful.)


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