>Robert Urban wrote:
>to me, this just looks like a horrible mess.  I have never understood
>why people should be so keen on creating thousands of microscopic
>For me, the advantage of being able to have several classes of filesystem
>content all take advantage of the available free space of a
>far outweighs any need to segregate classes of filesystem content into
>separate partitions.
>For example, how could /usr/X11R6 possibly represent a threat to eat all
>space is /usr?  X11R6 content is static. (yes, I know, software packages
>put stuff there, but for the purposes of this discussion it's static).
>Arguments can presumably be made for /var/www, and /var/mail, /home,
>and /tmp, but the rest just seems like a waste of energy.
>I imagine I'd do:
>and as necessary
>Rob Urban

I have to agree, except I would add a /var/log to the "as
necessary" (and make it pretty big) as I often deal with
firewalls and it's nice (I think) to limit the logs ability
to totally run amuck Although it isn't strictly required
since /var is in it's own partition.


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