On Wed, Nov 15, 2006 at 08:24:16AM -0500, Marc Ravensbergen wrote:
> Hi, is there any way I can find out the entire list of files (and
> dependencies) needed before installing a given package? Let's say
> I  want to add "wget" to openbsd. I export the PKG_PATH to the
> appropriate mirror, then type "pkg_add wget". This will do the
> installation of wget and all dependencies, but I would like to
> know  before the actual installation what files are needed (if
> possible of  course).

First, ftp(1) does much of what you get from wget(1), and is
included in base.

As to your question, pkg_add(1) suggests:

     -n       Don't actually install a package, just report the steps that
              would be taken if it was.

As espie@ noted in a previous thread on this topic[0], you can just
install pkg_add on the system with the nice network connection and
use PKG_CACHE to download the files.

See also pkg_info(1), though package signatures will give you more
information than you're probably looking for:

     -S      Show the package signature for each package.  This signature is a
             unique tag showing the package name, and the version number of
             every dependency and shared library necessary to build this pack-

If you have a ports tree handy, you could also use the
'print-run-depends' or 'describe' make targets documented in
bsd.port.mk(5) and ports(7).

> My reason for this is so that I can generate a complete list of
> files  needed to download for a given program, run over to a
> computer with  high speed, download, run back to my computer, dump
> the files in the  correct directory (/var/db/pkg) and then install
> the package.

Don't do that. You can use pkg_add(1) on local files, too, you know.

    $ sudo pkg_add all the packages you downloaded at your friend's house

This is a rather common question -- search the archives next time.

[0] http://marc.theaimsgroup.com/?l=openbsd-misc&m=115041186327151&w=2


o--------------------------{ Will Maier }--------------------------o
| web:.......http://www.lfod.us/ | [EMAIL PROTECTED] |
*------------------[ BSD Unix: Live Free or Die ]------------------*

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