In message <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>, chefren writes:
> Hello Igor,

Hello Chefren.

> You missed the crux of quite a few important points that Nick tried to 
> explain to you.

Indeed, I have carefully read his post.  He certainly explains some
important points related with sshd.  He is certainly right.

> > You evidently don't know me.  I am not a security expert, why should I be?
> Please understand that was just a joke.

Ok, please, accept my apologies.  I say the same to Nick, he was
certainly providing very good points on his post.

> > believe was unsolvable".  I was one of the youngest speakers at a plenary
> > session of the ACM SIGCOMM.
> That might be fully true but you still missed some inportant basics 
> from Nick.

Agreed, I missed some important comments from Nick.  It is just that
I do not like the way he answered to my post and stop reading.  As I said,
I am not an expert on computer security at all, and I certainly do not
want to be one.  My research field is a different one.  I just observed
what seems to me a bad default setting in ssh.  Obviously, I was not aware
that most developers are against this change and missed the thread from
march 2005.  Nick is certainly right.

> > Honestly, you have a wicked meaning for the word "friendly".
> Nick is definitely very friendly. Please follow this list some time 
> and you will agree with me.

I certainly will do.  This mailing list is an excellent reference
for OpenBSD users.

By the way, on an unrelated matter... now that I write about good
references for OpenBSD users... when are updated the FAQs (in both
text and PDF)?  I see the FAQ for OpenBSD 4.0 available on-line,
but I would like to get the text version of the FAQ for 4.0... the
only one I found on the ~/pub/OpenBSD/doc directory of the anonymous
FTP server (or as a link from the on-line FAQ) is for 3.9.  Is there
an estimated time for the text and PDF versions to be upgraded?

I understand that both the OpenBSD and pf FAQs will probably have
some changes in the next months... I am just awaiting for the
updates to be publicly available.

I really think that the text version of these FAQs are very handly,


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