Hi Richard.

> yes, "don't" :)
> You could write a simple script to modify dhcpd.conf as needed, but I set
I don't recommend that.
A little typo or unexpected error and all your clients are unable to resolve
or even get a lease - depending on the errors the script introduces.
This happens to me some years ago :/

Very true :-)

long time back I did this on my firewalls

I installed djbdns/dnscache from DJB some years ago because
of this problem. It gives you a DNS cache too so
you clients DNS lookups will speed up, especially if
your line to your ISP is nearly saturated.
I used a real old Pentium 120 with 64MB RAM and give
the DNS cache about 30 MB and that was a good thing
(tm) for my small network (5 active users).

Although the djbdns is a old package, it is reliable and secure
with a small memory footprint. (It is not in the ports because of
the copyright issues I guess).

you could use bind that comes with the base also :-)
Thats also a solution. But for small LANs I recommend
djbdns because I am a "DJB fanatic" ;)



Hobbes : Shouldn't we read the instructions?
Calvin : Do I look like a sissy?

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