Thanks VERY much!
I'll get on it shortly.

On Tuesday 16 January 2007 18:06, Adam Getchell wrote:
> Bill Anderson got this to work, and I've subsequently been able to
> upgrade a website running Zope/Plone on OpenBSD 4.0.
> In a nutshell:
> Ensure that the following packages are installed:
> python-2.4.3p0
> py-xml-0.7.1p0
> py-Imaging-1.1.5p0
> py-ElementTree-1.2.6p0
> python-expat-2.4.3p0
> python-tkinter-2.4.3p0
> Then, download the Zope tarball and unpack into local directory
> # wget zope-2.9.6-final.tgz
> # tar zxvf zope-2.9.6-final.tgz
> # Now install into /usr/local/lib/zope
> # ./configure --(forgot option) /usr/local/lib/zope
> # make
> # make install
> Create a zope user account in the daemon group with /home/zope as homedir
> # adduser
> ...
> Now create zope instance in /home/zope
> # sudo
> # Finally, change rc.local to startup zope as the (unprivileged) zope user:
> if [ -r /home/zope/etc/zope.conf -a -x /home/zope/bin/zopectl ]; then
>         echo -n ' zope'
>         su zope /home/zope/bin/zopectl start
> fi
> Now go get the Plone source install version, unpack into a handy
> directory (I used my home directory).
> # wget
> # tar zxvf Plone-2.5.1-final.tar.gz
> Then copy the following directories to INSTANCE_HOME/Products. Where
> is INSTANCE_HOME/Products? Check the Zope Control Panel.
> Zope Version  (Zope 2.9.6-final, python 2.4.3, openbsd4)
> Python Version  2.4.3 (#1, Dec 11 2006, 17:23:21) [GCC 3.3.5 (propolice)]
> System Platform  openbsd4
> SOFTWARE_HOME  /usr/local/lib/zope/lib/python
> ZOPE_HOME  /usr/local/lib/zope
> INSTANCE_HOME  /home/zope
> CLIENT_HOME  /home/zope/var
> Network Services  ZServer.HTTPServer.zhttp_server (Port: 8080)
> Process Id  4918 (-2039605248)
> Running For  1 min 52 sec
> Here are the directories to copy:
> The results will be a directory named CMFPlone-xxxx where
>    xxxx is the version. This should contain the following subdirectories:
>    Archetypes
>    ATContentTypes
>    ATReferenceBrowserWidget
>    CacheFu
>    CMFActionIcons
>    CMFCalendar
>    CMFCore
>    CMFDefault
>    CMFDynamicViewFTI
>    CMFFormController
>    CMFPlacefulWorkflow
>    CMFPlone
>    CMFQuickInstallerTool
>    CMFSetup
>    CMFTopic
>    CMFUid
>    DCWorkflow
>    ExtendedPathIndex
>    ExternalEditor
>    GenericSetup
>    GroupUserFolder
>    kupu
>    MimetypesRegistry
>    PasswordResetTool
>    PlacelessTranslationService
>    PloneErrorReporting
>    PloneLanguageTool
>    PlonePAS
>    PloneTranslations
>    PluggableAuthService
>    PluginRegistry
>    PortalTransforms
>    ResourceRegistries
>    SecureMailHost
>    statusmessages
>    validation
> (You don't need Five since you're running Zope 2.9.6)
>  Save time using:
>   # sudo cp -R A* /home/zope/Products/
>  and so forth.
> Restart zope using the Zope Control Panel.
> You can now add a Plone site to Zope.
> (Optional): use a rdr rule to send 80 to 8080, configure
> VirtualHostMonster to reflect the URL desired.
> Hope that helps!
> Adam

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"I would draw some of the great tales in fullness, 
and leave many only placed in the scheme, and sketched. 
The cycles should be linked to a majestic whole, 
and yet leave scope for other minds and hands, 
wielding paint and music and drama..." 
- John Ronald Reuel Tolkien, from a letter written to Milton Waldman, ca. 
1951 -

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