On Fri, 26 Jan 2007 16:07:01 -0600, Damian Wiest wrote
> On Fri, Jan 26, 2007 at 03:53:48PM -0500, Steve Shockley wrote:
> > smith wrote:
> > >Why?:
> > >
> > >I've received a few new computers that I have to configure.
> > 
> > http://www.openbsd.org/faq/faq4.html#Multiple
> Disk imaging
> Unfortunately, there are no known disk imaging packages which are 
> FFS-aware and can make an image containing only the active file 
> space. Most of the major disk imaging solutions will treat an 
> OpenBSD partition as a "generic" partition, and can make an image of 
> the whole disk. This often accomplishes your goal, but usually with 
> huge amounts of wasted space -- an empty, 10G /home partition will 
> require 10G of space in the image, even if there isn't a single file 
> in it. While you can typically install a drive image to a larger 
> drive, you would not be able to directly use the extra space, and 
> you would not be able to install an image to a smaller drive.
> ---
> I don't believe that section is entirely correct, frisbee includes 
> both filesystem aware as well as filesystem naive compression 
> algorithms to be used when creating disk images.  Frisbee can also 
> do installs via multicast and the paper referenced below includes 
> data showing that install times remain pretty much constant no 
> matter how many systems are being setup at once.  Emulab (emulab.com)
>  can push images to hundreds of their machines in under two minutes.
> I must admit that I have yet to use frisbee myself.  I'm cloning 
> disks at this very minute, but due to time constraints have had to 
> use our existing solution (Acronis).  We're having problems due to 
> lack of nic driver support with newer systems, but I expect to be 
> able to create a BSD boot disc with the needed drivers along with 
> the frisbee client in the near future.
> Another method that might work for you is to get one machine setup 
> and then mirror the boot drive.  You may then be able to detach a 
> sub-mirror and move it to a different system.
> -Damian
> [1] http://www.cs.utah.edu/flux/papers/frisbee-usenix03-base.html

Sorry guys, I now realise my error by not revealing that I'm imaging windows
boxes.  I'm not too concerned about the disadvantages or gotchas of imaging. 
I was just looking for a quick and dirty way of getting that windows image
back on to a computer from an ftp server.  If I figure out how to get OpenBSD
to do what g4u does, then I've found an even simpler solution to this type a
problem than g4u.

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