On Wed, Feb 07, 2007 at 01:04:59PM -0800, Jonathan Whiteman wrote:
> yes it is bridging not routing, and its a vpn (OpenVPN) bridge to
> complicate matters just a bit further.  a simplified diagram
> follows.  i've used actual device names here and indicated the
> bridged ones by enclosing them with { }
>            PUBLIC INTERNET
>       |                          |
> ------|-----              -------|-----
> |    en0   |              |     dc0   |
> |          |              |           |
> |firewall 2|              |firewall 1 |
> |          |              |           |
> |{en1 tun0}----------------{tun1 sis0}|
> --|---------              ---------|---
>   |                                |

This is not a correct bridging setup. Bridging means that you are using
the same network on both sides of the bridge. This may also explain other
issues you have. Hosts on 192.168.254/24 can not reach
without an additional route.

AFAIK Apples bonjour service is multicast, includes the network address
and mask and has a TTL of 1. So multicast routing will not help.
This is especially true for the iTunes sharing.

:wq Claudio

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