On 2007/02/13 14:46, Nick ! wrote:
> >Someone also mentioned Asterisk can be used as a phone, but I didn't
> >find anything in the Asterisk doc, also nothing in the Asterisk
> >commandline help.

You can probably do something with chan_oss or chan_alsa, but it may
well need some hackery on OpenBSD.

The voip-info.org wiki might give some clues, it's about the closest
thing there is to an Asterisk reference manual.

> I haven't tried it, but I believe this would work:
> http://www.voip-info.org/tiki-index.php?page=Asterisk+cmd+MeetMe

MeetMe (certainly in 1.2, don't know about 1.4) needs zaptel kernel
parts as a timing source.

There's an alternative in ports/telephony/app_conference.

OpenPBX afaik doesn't need this (though I'm not sure whether or not
their conferencing app requires POSIX timers or whether it manages

> Now I'm excited. I want to try this at home. But who could I call?

Anyone with a phone... there are numerous companies gatewaying
PSTN<>SIP in and out and some doing PSTN<>H323 and a few doing
PSTN<>IAX (this is less popular as the dedicated gateway devices
which are normally used to interconnect with PSTN (with DSPs to
handle codecs, E1/T1 interfaces, etc) generally don't do IAX.

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