On 3/1/07, Jacob Yocom-Piatt <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
Nick Holland wrote:
> exactly.
> This idea of using VMware (or similar) to host a firewall that
> protects the host operating system is something I find somewhere
> between amusing (because its silly) and scary (because it indicates
> people don't really understand, and think that a "firewall" works
> magic, and these people might be protecting our personal data).

this goes without saying since any solution involving windows is, IMO,
turd polishing. however, i am forced to use the turd (, luke?) and would
rather have it wrapped in tinfoil than paper, not unlike a burrito.

But you're relying on Windows to not be broken. This provides you no
safety whatsoever.

What's wrong with setting up an external hardware OpenBSD box? This
would run faster too. Don't try to force technical solutions to on
political/social problems!


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