On Thu, Mar 01, 2007 at 01:33:04PM -0500, Lars D. Nood?n wrote:
> I'd like to look at some virtualization options for openbsd.  The ultimate
> goal would be to get several isolated Debian systems running inside some
> kind of enironment for virtualization.
> Can you point me to an openbsd package, port or source code for the
> freebsd jail or an equivalent?

What do you want to do?

- Run a different OS (e.g., Debian) under OpenBSD?
Install emulators/qemu.
- Run different OSes, possibly including OpenBSD, on the same box?
Consider other options as well, OpenBSD will 'almost' work as a Xen
client, and should work under VMWare - although it doesn't appear to be
particularly stable. Linux will both run Xen and run under Xen.
- Run different programs on the same OpenBSD box, while isolating them
  from one another and the rest of the system?
Consider chroot, systrace(1), and/or http://sysjail.bsd.lv/.
- Something else entirely?
Post back with a more precise question.


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