* Brian Martinez <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> [2007-03-01 13:39:47]:

> Hello folks, 
> I was curious about the maximum amount of RAM an OpenBSD system will 
> recognize.  Is there any way at all to get it to recognize more?  Kernel 
> recompile?  Sysctl options? 
> I've browsed through the archives here a bit and have found a few answers 
> relating to my question, but there were older.  For instance, someone was 
> saying back in '03 that the maximum amount of RAM the OS would recognize is 
> 2GB.  I happen to know that my amd64 system recognizes 4GB nowadays.  But 
> the machine has 8GB of RAM. 
> Some other answers said it would never go higher than 2GB b/c it would 
> require an entire rewrite of the VM subcomponent (or something to that 
> effect).  But again, my system currently recognizes 4GB, so it seems there 
> has been some progress. 
> Any definitive word on this?  Thanks.

Well, if you want to get support for all that ram, well, the devs
are going to need access to such a system.  They don't have that
stuff lying around.

>From want.html An amd64 with more than 4 GB RAM for hacking on large
memory support in i386 and amd64, needed in London, UK.  Contact

Travers Buda

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