Hello all,

We're having issues with php 5.1.6 and cURL within OpenBSD's (v4.0)
jail. Hopefully, someone knows how to solve this.

We're using PHP's built-in cURL function, curl_exec(), to connect to
remote servers (both HTTP and HTTPS). We then send an HTTP POST
request (or GET--it doesn't matter) expecting to get data back from
the other end. Unfortunately, the response is empty where we should
get the HTML output of the remote server.

Outside of the OBSD chroot it works fine; in the chroot there's no
output, yet it doesn't report an error--either to the browser or to
the apache logs. In the less-than-believable but completely true words
of the poor guy testing this part of our software, "It just didn't
work. Nothing."

As for the kernel itself, we're running OpenBSD 4.0-stable.

Lastly, at the suggestion of one person, we tried (to no avail)
altering our php.ini to have: allow_url_fopen = On

Anyone got any ideas on this? (Clue sticks welcome.)

As always, thanks much, folks.

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