xinit -- -logverbose 9 -verbose 9 && send the EDID info?  Try a liveCD
that that has the 'nvidia' binary driver and see if they have support
yet, it may be a simple hack.


On Sat, 2007-03-31 at 18:46 +0200, Eric Dillenseger wrote:
> Hi,
> I just bought a 22 inches 16/10 flat panel.
> Saddly, I can't get in the native resolution (1680x1050).
> I was wondering if a recent (4.1 snapshot of March 23rd) nv driver of X
> is already able to handle such mode, as I found out it may be the
> bottleneck.
> I tried different ModeLine generators from the net, and tried to do it
> myself using Xorg' logfile. Not helping me out.

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