I have a question about the semantics of wait()/waitpid().

My understanding is, as soon as wait() returns, the process is gone from the
process table, and therefore another fork() on the system could immediately
re-use the same PID. Is that correct?

Now let's suppose I have a program which forks children when it needs them.
It maintains a datastructure which is a hash of { pid => info }

Let's say there's a separate thread which blocks on a wait() call, and once
it has gotten the pid it updates this data structure to remove the entry for

Now, it seems to me there is a race condition here: between wait() returning
and the <pid> entry being removed from the data structure, the main program
may have forked off another child with the same <pid>

Protecting the 'wait' and 'fork' threads with a mutex doesn't help. If I
lock the mutex before calling wait() then I prevent all forks for an
indefinite period of time; if I lock the mutex after calling wait() then the
race still exists, as the forking thread may already have the mutex and be
in the process of forking another child with the same pid.

So, what's the best way to handle this? Options I can think of are:

(1) Polling.

- lock mutex
- call waitpid(-1, 0, WNOHANG)
- update the data structure
- unlock mutex
- sleep 100ms
- go back to start

This seems rather icky.

(2) Modify the data structure to allow for the unlikely, but possible,
situation of having two processes with the same PID: one which has just been
reaped, and one which has just been forked. The reap process then removes
the first entry for the PID returned from wait().

This gives a messy datastructure just for handling this edge case.

(3) If there were an option to waitpid() which could tell you the pid of a
terminated process *without* reaping it, then it becomes easy:

- waitpid(-1, 0, WNOWAIT)
- update the data structure to remove the entry for this pid
- waitpid(pid, 0, 0) to remove it from the process table

It looks like Linux has a waitid() call with a WNOWAIT option, but I can't
see anything in the wait manpage for OpenBSD (4.0) which works this way.

Any other suggestions as to the best way to avoid this problem? I'm sure
this must be old ground :-)



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