His problem was not about ntpd not syncing.  At any rate, Reza, do you have
any firewalls that could be blocking the port?  If you switch "listen on" to "listen on *" does that change your situation?

On 4/8/07, Mispunt <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> It will take some time before ntpd begins with syncing. Don't ask me
> why, but it took a day for me before my ntpd was beginning with
> syncing.
> On 4/8/07, Reza Muhammad <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > Hi all,
> >
> > I was just trying to setup an ntpd server for my home network so it
> could sync with each other.  So here's what I have in my /etc/ntpd.conf:
> >
> > # $OpenBSD: ntpd.conf,v 1.7 2004/07/20 17:38:35 henning Exp $
> > # sample ntpd configuration file, see ntpd.conf(5)
> >
> > # Addresses to listen on (ntpd does not listen by default)
> > listen on
> >
> > # sync to a single server
> > #server ntp.example.org
> >
> > # use a random selection of 8 public stratum 2 servers
> > # see http://twiki.ntp.org/bin/view/Servers/NTPPoolServers
> > servers asia.pool.ntp.org
> >
> > and here's the log from /var/log/daemon after I run the service:
> > Apr  8 21:09:32 blowfish ntpd[14921]: listening on
> > Apr  8 21:09:32 blowfish ntpd[14921]: ntp engine ready
> > Apr  8 21:09:51 blowfish ntpd[14921]: peer now valid
> > Apr  8 21:09:51 blowfish ntpd[14921]: peer now valid
> > Apr  8 21:09:51 blowfish ntpd[14921]: peer now valid
> > Apr  8 21:09:53 blowfish ntpd[14921]: peer now valid
> > Apr  8 21:09:53 blowfish ntpd[14921]: peer now valid
> > Apr  8 21:09:55 blowfish ntpd[14921]: peer now valid
> > Apr  8 21:09:56 blowfish ntpd[14921]: peer now valid
> >
> > Even though it seems to be working, I still can't get the date to sync
> from clients.  When I try to telnet to on port 123, it says
> "Connection Refused".  But the daemon is running on the server:
> > % ps auxw | grep ntpd
> > root     24933  0.0  0.2   428   600 ??  Is     9:09PM    0:00.00 ntpd:
> [priv] (ntpd)
> > _ntp     14921  0.0  0.2   388   648 ??  S      9:09PM    0:00.02 ntpd:
> ntp engine (ntpd)
> >
> > Can anyone pleae help me out?
> > Thanks in advance.

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