On Fri, Apr 13, 2007 at 08:20:07AM +0200, Vim Visual wrote:
> Hi,
> I'm not concerned about the library, I'm almost sure it'll work in
> OpenBSD -it was written to be very portable-; it's the raid controller
> what will finally be the key to the OS... I forgot to give details,
> sorry. It's an Areca Raid Controller arc-1220

that card works fine in openbsd. it even has bio support out of the

> Yes, the OS is not that important, the cluster will not have a public
> IP and is already sitting behind a firewall (don't ask me which one,
> please, it's a RHL one, it was not my personal choice) and I've got
> obsd installed on my laptop to do the data analysis of the results but
> I was looking forward to having obsd on the cluster...

i suspect the library that talks to the GRAPE card requires access to
the hardware registers. if it uses the same mechanisms as X, then it
might just work, but i don't like your chances.

> Today I'll boot the cd and see whether the controller is configured...

it'll be fine :)


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