I realize that this is of marginal relevance to this mailing
list, but I like you guys, so I wanted to ask here first:

As soon as I got my 4.1 CDs (great theme, by the way), I popped
them into my old Inspiron 8200 and started the install. For
kicks, I decided to recompile XF4 with FreeType's BCI hinting
(by uncommenting the line


in xc/lib/font/FreeType/module/ftoption.h). I then enabled
hinting and sub-pixel anti-aliasing with the following X
resource settings:

Xft.hinting: true
Xft.hintstyle: hintfull
Xft.antialias: rgba
Xft.rgba: rgb

These settings make 90% of my fonts look amazing. However, in
certain fonts -- especially Georgia and Bitstream Vera Serif --
glyphs' diagonal lines now appear "blotchy". Here's an example
of Georgia at 14pt in Firefox:


On the other hand, if I set "Xft.hinting: false" (reverting
FreeType to its patent-unencumbered auto-hinting mode, if I am
not mistaken), everything returns to normal: except that my
Webcore fonts are no longer as crisp as genuine pixel-aligned
TrueType hinting would allow for, of course.

I'm sure I'm not the only one here who's recompiled XF4 for
TrueType hinting, so any (ahem) hints? Thanks in advance...


Mark Shroyer <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

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