On Fri, May 11, 2007 at 03:53:39PM +0700, sonjaya wrote:
> On 5/11/07, Lars D. Noodin <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> >On Fri, 11 May 2007, Adam Hawes wrote:
> >> You're well advised to go do some reading on your own.  If you had
> >> you would have discovered that OpenVPN ahs a tutorial page for
> >> configuring the server, as does the readily available PPTP server.
> >
> >It's not a funny joke to be recommending PPTP to anybody.  Some may miss
> >the sarcasm and actually try to deploy it.
> >
> >Any further amount of reading (if done) would reveal that PPTP can't
> >really be called secure and should be avoided.  Its successor, L2TP, can
> >be improved somewhat, at least the connections, by tunnelling over SSL.
> >But then why not cut out the middleman and use SSL to begin with?  Fewer
> >parts that way.
> >
> >IPsec and SSL are your two options:
> >        http://www.vpnc.org/vpn-standards.html
> >
> >I'm wondering that since IPsec is part fo IPv6, the equivalent to an
> >IPsec-on-IPv4 VPN could be made using IPv6 instead.  Maybe that would  be
> >smarter in the long run.

> so  i must using ipsec for security reason ,  how about the client (
> such us Microsoft ) can they use ipsec too.

Yes, but don't use the stock IPsec client.

Really, the archives are full of this discussion. Please take a good
look there, first; if you encounter any problems, you are welcome to
ask, but *please* search the archive first.


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