restart needed.
~Allie D.

On Tue, May 15, 2007 12:11, John Mendenhall wrote:
>> If you don't mind a second or two of down time then you can use
>> something like this in newsyslog.conf as a restart command:
>> "apachectl stop;sleep 1;apachctl start;sleep 10;apachectl start"
>> The first sleep gives apache a second to finish active requests before
>> trying to start again.  The second sleep and start is to catch the case
>> where the first start fails because apache is still running.
> I have a script which does the following:
> + rotates logs
> + calls apachectl stop (twice, with sleep 2 after each call)
> + calls apachectl stop and greps the output to make sure it is stopped
>   (looks for 'not running')
> + if I don't find not running, pages me
> + run apachectl startssl
> This is all in a wrapper script which then calls awstats
> after a successful rotate and restart.
> Works for us.
> JohnM
> --
> john mendenhall
> surf utopia
> internet services

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