On Fri, Jun 22, 2007 at 11:27:56AM +0200, Peter Niehues wrote:
> Hi misc,
> I'm building an high availability internet gateway using openbsd 4.0. On the 
> internet side I need more than 100 ip addresses. The idea was to build this 
> ip's via CARP devices, but now it seems that there is some kind of limitation 
> on the number of working devices. I can build up to 255 CARP devices and 
> ifconfig is telling me, that all devices are UP and MASTER. But only the 
> first 50 devices are working and answering to arp requests. All other 
> addresses are not accessible and not answering. 
> To build the devices I use the following script.

you can assign more than one address to each carp device.

> #!/usr/local/bin/bash
> i=1
> max=70
> ip=10
> vhid=10
> device=10
> while [ $i -le $max ] ; do
>   ifconfig carp$device create
>   ifconfig carp$device vhid $vhid pass test \ 
>     carpdev bge0 10.0.0.$ip netmask
>   echo "$i  carp$device  10.0.0.$ip  vhid   $vhid"
>   i=`expr $i + 1`
>   device=`expr $device + 1`
>   ip=`expr $ip + 1`
>   vhid=`expr $vhid + 1`
> done
> btw, pf is still disabled.
> Is there a limitation on the maximal number of carp devices?
> Thanks
> Peter
> -- 
> Psssst! Schon vom neuen GMX MultiMessenger gehvrt?
> Der kanns mit allen: http://www.gmx.net/de/go/multimessenger

    paranoic mickey       (my employers have changed but, the name has remained)

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