Im having some trouble accessing certain sites from my laptop going
through a obsd router doing nat

I have 2 tested configurations

Laptop------->Cisco1721[doing nat]--->internet ---->
Laptop------->Cisco1721--(gre0)---->Openbsd[doing nat]--->internet ---->

in the first setup, i have a local network behind a cisco1721, the
cisco does nat, and all works well

in the second setup, i have an internal network that spans via gre
from the cisco to an Openbsd router in colo which does the nat, this
is not working for me at all, when i try to go to, my browser
just sits there, i have tried this from 1 other computer as well

OpenBSD 4.0 GENERIC.MP#936 i386

# cat /etc/pf.conf.test
# Macros
# Tables
# Options
# Traffic Normalization(scrub)
# Queueing
# Translation(nat->binat->rdr)
# Packet Filtering


int_ip="{ 10/8 192.168/16 }"
local_ip="{ 10/8 192.168/16 208.179.25/24 }"

set optimization high-latency
no nat on $ext_if from $local_ip to $local_ip
  nat on $ext_if from $int_ip to any -> $natpool_ip

pass in all
pass out all

im using ospfd to route over the gre

with either situation, i can get good name resolution, and i can
telnet to the msn server on 0 and issue a get request successfully  i
can get to almost any other website in either config, google, yahoo,
etc, there are only a few i cant get to

if there is any other info requested, im happy to provide
thank you

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